Objectives of the school

Numerical simulations are playing a key role in many areas of modern sciences including astrophysics as well as in the industry. It is not unavoidable and is complementary of observations and theory. Without numerical simulations our understanding of astrophysical systems would be significantly less than what it is today.

However, performing numerical simulations for astrophysics requires a large ensemble of specific skills in several different areas. First there are generic aspects common to many simulations such as massively parallel calculations, numerical methods of applied mathematics and algorithms as well as analysis of large volumes of data. Second several programs called codes have been developed by groups of developers during the last decades to treat various astrophysical problems. Running and developing  these codes is a necessity for advanced researchers as well as PhD students, however this represents sometimes such an effort and an expertise that a specific training is needed.

The goal of the school will be to present several codes that are playing a key role in today astrophysics. Both theoretical aspects regarding the methods used and the practical ones, that is to say how to use the codes will be described. In particular practical sessions will be organised during the afternoons.

Program and speakers

The organisation of the school will be as follows: 


-2 theoretical lectures will be given every morning during which practical (parallelism, national facilities) and fundamental aspects (numerical analysis and schemes). A practical descriptions of the codes will be given and tests and exercices will be proposed for the afternoon sessions. 


-1 scientific talks illustrating the usage of high performance computing is astrophysics. Most fields will be covered. 


-the afternoon sessions will be dedicated to practical exercices. For that purpose the speakers will propose various exercices that can be performed in few hours (from elementary calculations to small projects). This will allow all participants to choose the best exercices adapted to his/her  levels and and own interests. The speakers will be present during the session to answer to the participants questions and provide the necessary help.


Six  sessions will be organised : 

  •  Lagrangien SPH codes  (smooth particle hydrodynamics), example:  ndspmhd

Speaker : Guillaume Laibe (CRAL ENS Lyon)


  • Adaptive mesh refinement codes, example: RAMSES

Speakers : Benoit Commerçon (CRAL ENS Lyon), Patrick Hennebelle (CEA), and Joakim Rosdahl (CRAL)


  • codes based on spherical harmonics decomposition, example: MAGIC

Speaker : Thomas Gastine (IPGP)


  • codes "particle in cell" example: ZELTRON

Speaker : Benoît Cerutti (IPAG)


Speakers : Kees Dullemond (ITA Heidelberg) and Benjamin Godard (LERMA)


  • System architecture and parallelism (CPU, GPU)

Speaker :  Emmanuel Quemener (Centre Blaise Pascal)



Registration is open and is done directly on the website. It is necessary to open an account on sciencesconf.org. 

The number of places will be limited to 35. If too many peoples register, the SOC will make a selection and we ask the applicants to send a motivation letter to  astrosim@sciencesconf.org, as  complement to the on-line registration. 

The registration fees will be almost entirely covered by the school organization. The exact amount of the fees (if any) will be given in the coming weeks. 


Scientific Organising Committee

Benoît Commerçon (CRAL, Lyon), chair

Patrick Hennebelle (SAp CEA Saclay), chair


Guillaume Aulanier (LESIA, Meudon)

Jérémy Blaizot (CRAL, Lyon)

Boris Dintrans (IRAP, Toulouse)

Guillaume Dubus (IPAG, Grenoble)

Sébastien Fromang (SAp CEA, Saclay)

Franck Le Petit (LERMA, Paris)

Aurélie Marchaudon (IRAP, Toulouse)

Local organising committee

Benoît Commerçon

Patrick Hennebelle

Jérémy Blaizot

Emmanuel Quemener



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